Thursday, July 6, 2017


Who would have thought that we left SC for cooler weather and would see 101 degrees in Wyoming?  But it is dry - and the nights are breezy and cool.  On our way to Buffalo we stopped to view Devils Tower, the first National Monument (1906).

It is hard to get a sense of how big and strange it is.  It does seem like something from another world!

Next we found the right sized place for Hilda's first bath!  I am sure she appreciated the cool water - I sure did when it hit me!

At least the first layer of bugs is washed away - lots of bugs from lots of states!  

We are now camped at Deer Park, the same campground we stayed at last year.  Feels like home!
Coming into Buffalo we got a glimpse of the Big Horn Mountains still snow capped while we have 100 degrees on the highway. 

Deer Park is filling up with campers coming for this weekend's Longmire Days festivities.  Glad we got here early!


  1. Beautiful scenery! I know Hilda looked beautiful after her bath.

  2. I knew Hilda would need a bath!!! She's got to stay beautiful for all her admirers!
