It is beginning to feel like I am right about Maine not liking me! The first time we traveled to Maine was almost 30 years ago and as soon as we crossed the border between NH and ME, the early evening fog hit the windshield like a down blanket and stayed there for about 12 hours. Finding our destination was not easy. This time we had sprinkling rain that became hard rain and lasted about 18 hours. Fortunately it was not heavy when we were setting up Hilda and we got it done in time to meet friends in Skowhegan for dinner at a Thai restaurant. Wonderful food and we ate far too much - even though we were sharing dishes! Slept well with the sound of rain on Hilda’s metal roof but the rain changed the early morning breakfast date followed by golf. So it was a later breakfast and Roscoe and his buddy found a drier course while the two non-golfers did a required visit to Reny’s and some antiquing. Reny’s always has something special that needs to go home with me - this time it was a Massey-Cash cobalt blue mixing bowl for a bargain price - how could I resist? The search for a stained glass window was not successful. Keep searching.
The campground is called Two Rivers and our site is right on the river. Had a rather scary moment when I peeked out the door and saw what appeared to be a gator. Definitely had to do a double take!

Day two was much nicer weather and Roscoe got to play Belgrade Lakes, his most favorite golf course EVER! At the campground the wind was ferocious and managed to pull down our awning. No damage fortunately.

The “icing on the cake” of playing Belgrade Lakes is having dinner at The Village Inn, whose specialty is duck. I can vouch for their other dishes (fabulous crab cakes) and Roscoe dreams of having their duck at least once a year! Mission accomplished! Tomorrow we journey to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. For breakfast we are hoping to sample wares from “The Bankery”, a bakery housed in an old bank building.
No stop is complete without photos of flowers - this time they are not day lilies! I want to bring all the gardens of New England home with me.

I am sure Maine has it in for me - lost the entire first post and had to going to post this quickly before something else happens!
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