Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cabot Trail

We found a much more picturesque Nova Scotia today. After yesterday’s miles through monotonous pine forests we wondered what we had missed.  Turns out the coastline is where you need to be to see some beautiful scenery.  The Cabot Trail covers close to 200 miles of coastline and some gorgeous vistas.  The road  climbs and twists and turns and like all other roads in cold climates has areas under construction!  

We wonder how many houses are just summer homes and how many are occupied year round.  Besides fishing (and lobstering) what do people do for a living?  We also saw many large and small churches, all with similar architecture to St Peter’s where we lunched yesterday. 

None of these photos show how the road hugs the sides of cliffs or wiggles like a snake (because I was hiding  my eyes...)

We traveled on an unpaved road to Capstick - the next to last Northernmost village in Cape Breton.  The last is Meat Cove and did not look inviting at all.  The stone wall beside the little red building was as gorgeous as Andy Goldworthy’s at Storm King!

Almost forgot the monument honoring John Cabot (nee Giovanni Caboto) at Four Mile Beach.

Cabot discovered the continent of America in 1497?  Another mystery.

Tomorrow we headback towards Maine.  We had planned on seeing Prince Edward Island, but decided we had seen enough pines and coastlines for now.  Next trip!

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