Thursday, June 29, 2017

Current River

This photo shows a serene river bordered by trees and a high bank.  When we checked into the campground they mentioned recovery from the flood.  On April 30 -less than two months ago - this serene river crested ABOVE all previous records and measuring devices at a guesstimated 38 to 40 feet.  The campground is safe to 29 feet so the entire place was under water.  Lots of things need repair but our site had everything we needed.  

Here is "Camp Cat" who knew to go to higher ground before her people did.

She also loves rolling in the new gravel! 

Next stop Neosho!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bring her home! Missy would love her...

  3. The Current River was one of our favorite "floating" (translate to canoeing) rivers in the state.... spent many wonderful times sleeping on its gravel bars!
    Jan Weston
